Which Waterproof Golf Stand Bag Should You Buy?

I am a fair-weather golfer. Always have been. Probably always will be.
But many golfers are more obsessed with golf, more adventurous, and more rugged than I am. These folks are willing to play golf in the rain.
Some golfers regularly train and play tournaments in the rain.
And finally, some golfers live in rain-soaked areas such as Seattle. All of these folks play in the mist, sprinkle, and downpour.
We researched the best waterproof golf stand bag on the market for all these rain-soaked golfers. We had early favorites that fell away because of weight distribution/balance issues, shoddy materials, overly complicated strap systems, and more.
Ultimately, we found our favorite waterproof golf stand bag. We recommend:
Sun Mountain 2022 H2NO Lite Speed Golf Stand Bag
Sun Mountain 2022 H2NO Lite Speed Stand Bag Specifications and Features:
As with all of our reviews, we like to compare our recommended bags to the specifications and features highlighted in our 2023 Buying Guide. In all aspects, the H2NO Lite Speed performs well against our preferred specs.
Weight: Our preferred range for a golf stand bag is between 3 – 5 pounds. The H2NO Light Speed is a mid-sized stand bag weighing 4.2 pounds.
Sun Mountain has long experience in making ultralight bags. For instance, their 2.5+ Stand / Carry Bag is 2 ½ pounds. So, the fact that the H2NO comes in at 4.2 pounds demonstrates that Sun Mountain upgraded the fabric, components, and seams to ensure the bag is fully waterproof.
Getting Clubs In and Out Of The Bag: The H2NO Lite Speed comes with an 8-inch, 4-way top with full-length fabric dividers.
As discussed in other reviews, an 8-inch top is on the small size. However, because the H2NO only has four dividers, there is sufficient room for a complete set of clubs.
It is a bit of a paradox that a greater number of dividers ensure more separation but, at the same time, can create unwanted crowding at the top opening.
Ease of Carrying the Bag: Like most modern carry bags, the H2NO Lite Speed has a dual strap carrying system — Sun Mountain’s X-Strap System. The shoulder straps are appropriately padded and can slide against each other in a center cross.
Sun Mountain has added “carry assist grab loops” to the front of the shoulder straps as a new feature. As a golfer walks, he can hold onto the loops for a convenient grip.
In addition to the X-Strap System and grab loops, the H2NO comes with a top handle, spine handle, and a lower grab strap. These handholds make it easy to move the bag around or lift it in or out of a car.
The H2NO Lite Speed has a generous hip pad for further walking comfort.
Storage / Pockets: The bag has six pockets, including a large hydration sleeve, a full-length apparel pocket, and a two-compartment, velour-lined valuables pocket. The bag also has a Velcro glove patch, tee holders, a pencil holder, a spot for an umbrella, and a towel loop.
The mid-sized bag is designed to carry the essentials on a rainy day. All of the sealed pockets and zippers are fully waterproof.
Stability of the Bag: The stand bag has a relatively standard extending leg configuration. The legs extend through an external hinge mounted to the bag’s bottom. Lean the bag forward and the legs open. The mechanism works well. The ends of the legs have enlarged feet that resist sinking into wet or soft ground.
A unique bonus is that the legs’ color matches the bag’s. Most bag manufacturers leave the legs black.
- The H2NO currently comes in 4 color combinations. The color schemes and graphic design are top-notch.
- The bag is made of high-quality waterproof fabric. Sun Mountain has made a name for itself with its raingear. They brought that knowledge to the H2NO Lite Speed.
- The vertical zippers have rubber overhangs at the top of the zipper to prevent leakage.
- The bag comes with the requisite rainhood.
Value: The manufacturer’s suggested retail price for the 2022 H2NO Lite Speed was originally $319.99 but has come down to $229.99. Click here to check the current Amazon price.
With the hefty price tag, the buyer gets the best waterproof bag on the market.
Editor’s Comment: Sun Mountain did introduce a 2023 model of the LiteSpeed but it is virtually the same bag with some slight altering of aesthetics. The bag, at times, is more expensive than the 2022 model and in our opinion the 2023 model is not as attractive as the 2022 version.
Click the following two links to see examples of the 2023 LiteSpeed: Pecan/Java/Beach and Navy/Blue/Ocean.
Best Waterproof Golf Stand Bag: Conclusion

The Sun Mountain H2NO Lite Speed is a mid-sized, fully waterproof golf stand bag for obsessed golfers who golf in the mist and rain. The Lite Speed will keep your gear and clubs dry as a bone, whether playing in Scotland, at Bandon Dunes, or at your local muni. The bag weighs 4.2 pounds, has a four-way top, and sufficient storage room within its six pockets to hold all of a golfer’s essentials. The pockets include a full-length apparel pocket large enough for rain gear. We highly recommend this bag.
Click Here to Buy the Sun Mountain 2022 H2NO Lite Speed Stand Bag
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